Monday, March 9, 2009

"& I crush a show wit my luscious flow"

I've never really watched an entire season of this. I watched the very first season for a while because Kelly Monaco's hot ass was on (I used to love General Hospital). Then I was briefly pulled back in when the always sexy Miss Toni (Braxton) hit the stage. But I'm not really a t.v person so I missed a whole lot of it.

However Lil Kim happens to be on a friend of mine (ha) on myspace. So she keeps me posted (lol again) with all info pertaining to her.

She looks good in my opinion, I know many other people will say what they will about the plastic surgery she's had but that's her business and I suppose I've gotten used to her new face. Aside from that, she is also much older so needless to say she is looking quite womanish and very fucking sexy if I might add. Well! I don't know if you know, but can someone tell me where she got that booty from?! Schmokin.

Well I don't know how much of the show I will be able to follow but she did pretty well today under the circumstances. And as we all know--> Practice Makes Perfect.

Good Luck to her.